Recognizing contributions of coaches in communities across Nova Scotia
How to get funding
Support4Sport funding is managed and distributed by Sport Nova Scotia, a non-profit, non-government federated organization, representing over 50 provincial sport organizations, as well as multi-sport organizations and other groups and individuals that share a mutual interest.
Support4Sport can help you and your sport organization by:
Purchasing sport equipment
Creating and enhancing current programming
Supporting performance training opportunities for athletes
Creating full-time positions such as provincial coaches and technical directors
Nova Scotians can apply for funding in seven program areas:
Individual Coach Initiatives – Funding individual coaches for certification or training initiatives. Coaches are supported based on the quality of their initiative and their ability to assist Nova Scotian athletes at all levels. Generally, funding is not available for traveling to events with athletes.
Individual Official Initiative – Funding individual officials for certification or training initiatives. Officials are supported based on the quality of their initiative and their ability to assist the Nova Scotia sport system at all levels.
Athlete Assistance – Based on pre-existing criteria, determined through the cooperation of Sport Nova Scotia, the Canadian Sport Centre Atlantic and the Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage, funding is available to high-performance athletes in Nova Scotia.
Sport Fund Community Grant – Funding community sport organizations in their efforts to increase participation in sport. The Sport Fund supports initiatives that are intended to increase sustainable quality participation based sport programs. This may include the expansion of existing programs, new programs, and the purchase of related equipment.
Provincial Sport Organization (PSO) Projects – Funding active and associate members of Sport Nova Scotia for organizational initiatives that increase participation, build organizational capacity, and support the development of coaches and officials.
Provincial Sport Organization (PSO) Development Support – Funding PSOs to support their participation development programs; and,
Technical Leadership Employment Program – Funding PSOs to support investments in full-time coaching. Individuals filling these positions act as provincial coaches and technical development leaders for their respective organizations.